



Homeopathy was founded in the late eighteenth century by the renowned German physician Samuel Hahnemann, who was known for his work in pharmacology, hygiene, public health, industrial toxicology, and psychiatry. Reacting to much of the atrocious treatments of his day, such as bloodletting (the use of leeches), and toxic mercury-based laxatives, and so Dr. Hahnemann set out to find a more rational and humane approach to medicine. 

Dr. Hahnemann's breakthrough came during an experiment in which he twice a day ingested Cinchona, a Peruvian bark well known as a treatment for Malaria. Soon after Dr. Hahnemann began his experiment he developed periodic fevers common to Malaria. Once he stopped taking Cincohona his symptoms immediately vanished. Dr. Hahnemann theorized that, if taking a large dose of Cinchona created symptoms of Malaria in a healthy individual, the same substance, taken in a smaller dose by a person suffering from Malaria, might stimulate the body to fight the disease. Based on his work, Dr. Hahnemann formulated the principles of homeopathy: like cures like (know as the Law of Similars), the more a remedy is dilated, the greater its potency (known as the Law of Infinitesimal Dose), an illness is specific to the individual (a holistic medical model).



Human beings are living breathing organisms consisting of the body, mind and spirit functioning in complete harmony with one another. A health body will keep itself healthy and if it becomes injured will act to repair itself. Throughout the process of self-correction and repair, the body produces symptoms. Homeopaths view symptoms as an indication that the healing process has begun and is under way, rather than signs of ill health. Symptoms are viewed as guides to appropriate remedy choices, a way to understand how well the healing process is proceeding, and further patient treatment and assessments. Homeopaths acknowledge that nothing can be known about a particular disease expect for what is shown in the symptoms produced by the body and nothing can be cured expect the symptoms.

Homeopathy is a system of medicine based on the principle of "like cures like." A disease with a given set of symptoms can be cured by a medicine (remedy) which is known to produce a similar set of symptoms. Homeopathy involves the selection and prescription of a medication (remedy), which through prior testing on healthy individuals and from clinical experience and observation, is known to produce a similar symptom reaction to that of the patient. The medication (remedy) is prescribed in the minimum dosage required to stimulate the healing process.

Like Cures Like

According to Dr. Hahnemann, "Each individual case of disease is most surely, radically, rapidly, and permanently annihilated and removed only by a medicine capable of producing (in the human body) the most similar and complete manner of the totality of the symptoms." Meaning, the same substance that in large doses produces the symptoms of an illness, in minimal doses cures it. This phenomenon, as referred to by Dr. Hahnemann, is the Law of Similars, a principle first recognized in the fourth century B.C., by Hippocrates, who was studying the effects herbs have upon disease. The Law of Similars was also the theoretical basis for the vaccines of physicians Edward Jenner, Jonas Salk, and Louis Pasteur. They would "immunize" the body with trace amounts of a disease component, often a virus, to strengthen its immune response to the actual disease, much of how modern vaccinations work today. As with allergies, a similar methodology is utilized by introducing minute quantities of the allergen into the body to boost natural tolerance levels.

The More a Remedy Is Dilated, the Greater Its Potency

It is commonly believed by many that the higher the dose of a medicine, the greater effect it will have. Homeopathy views this as the opposite, where the more a substance is diluted, the higher its potency. Dr. Hahnemann discovered this Law of Infinitesimal Dose by experimenting higher and higher dilutions of substances to minimize toxic side effects. Modern homeopathic remedies are normally prepared through a process of dilution using pure water or alcohol and succussing (vigorous shaking). Homeopathic solutions can be diluted to the point that literally no molecules of the original substance remains in the remedy. Yet, the more dilute it gets the more its potency increases. This phenomenon has been the source of great fascination amongst practitioners and researchers in the field of homeopathy.

Illness Is Specific to the Individual

The first task of a homeopathic practitioner is a process known as "profiling," in which physical, mental, and emotional qualities are recorded to determine the patient's remedy or combination of remedies. Those who are accustomed to conventional medicine will find a session with a homeopathic practitioner to be a unique experience. For example, a patient suffering from chronic headaches or migraines will normally receive some sort of prescribed analgesic or anti-inflammatory medicine from a conventional medical doctor. However, homeopathy recognizes over two hundred symptom patterns associated with headaches and has corresponding remedies for each. The patient's headache may be in the front portion of the head. It may get worse with a cold sensation and improve with heat. It may feel better laying down or standing up. The patient may be thin and gets easily excited, or docile and sedentary. Homeopaths consult vast repertories and materia medicas to match the total picture of the patient's symptoms.  



A unique diagnostic approach used in homeopathy is known as case taking and it is the initial consultation with a new patient, which will generally take one and a half hours to two hours. Through this consultation the homeopath gives the patient freedom to express his or her symptoms without interrupting the flow of information. This is to allow the patient to identify the problems for the doctor within their own frame of reference. This information is extremely valuable and useful for the homeopath as prescribing a remedy is based on the unique symptoms as opposed to the common symptoms of illness.

For example, a homeopath may see a dozen or so patients with arthritis in a two-week span. Although all the patients will have the common typical symptoms of arthritis such as painful joints and a reduction in mobility, it is very likely that each of those patients will receive a different remedy. The prescribing of homeopathic remedies is based on the unique symptoms of the individual patient. Homeopathic practitioners will use each unique symptom, and many more, to determine an appropriate remedy for each particular patient.

Case taking for the patient becomes a process of awareness, understanding and exploration of their own unique experiences. Patients of homeopathic medicine become partner with their practitioner in tracking progress and identifying areas that need work. Once the patient concludes all of the information in his or her own words, the Homeopath will address the areas where information is required such as medical, personal as well as family lineage, etc.



Homeopathy is a complete system of natural medicine that can have a therapeutic effect on nearly any disease or health condition. Homeopathic doctors often treat patients with long-term, chronic problems, ranging from minor to severe illness to common ailments such as acute cold and flu-like symptoms. However, as a system of holistic medicine, homeopathy is designed to treat the whole person and therefore can be considered in almost any situation where a person's health has depleted. The long-term benefit homeopathy has on a patient is that it not only alleviates problematic symptoms but reestablishes the body's internal balance and provides a lasting corrective solution.

Patients with diabetes, arthritis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, influenza, epilepsy, skin eruptions, allergic conditions, mental or emotional disorders, headaches, fatigue, irritability, & PMS symptoms, respiratory infections  & digestive diseases, body pains such as back and neck stiffness, sprains & strains, can find tremendous value in homeopathic treatment in an effort to prevent, correct, and reverse these and many more conditions.

For more information and to learn more about Homeopathic Care contact a Homeopath near you.